Sunday, 19 August 2012

Integrate Blogs in English - Teacher Professional Development

Anna's reflections and archive: Web 2.0 Tools - Videocasts

Anna's reflections and archive: Web 2.0 Tools - Videocasts: What we looked at this week was  Moderating forums. The following was a very interesting statement: ' However, motivating students to use...

Anna's reflections and archive: Gamification - Professional Development

Anna's reflections and archive: Gamification - Professional Development: This week's tasks made me think a lot. The general idea of the reading tasks ( Play the Game , The School , Play the Game Because You Can ...

Anna's reflections and archive: First Plenary

Anna's reflections and archive: First Plenary: The Conference has started and now we are listening to the first Plenary Session by Adrian Underhill. Adrian started with a great joke about...

Anna's reflections and archive: Building your PLN

Anna's reflections and archive: Building your PLN: As a big fan of PLNs and PLEs, I got up early today to get to SECC by 8am for Nik Peachey's 'How to...' session. The conference centre is so...

Anna's reflections and archive: 12 Steps to Webinar Success

Anna's reflections and archive: 12 Steps to Webinar Success: This workshop with Sarah Milligan was particularly interesting to me. I have never given webinars only attended a few but I would like to ta...

Anna's reflections and archive: Closing Plenary - Fish!

Anna's reflections and archive: Closing Plenary - Fish!: Gavin Dudney started the final plenary and said that 50 000 people visited the site yesterday, 400 000 page views with Turkey surfing the si...

Anna's reflections and archive: IATEFL 2012

Anna's reflections and archive: IATEFL 2012: The conference finished and we are all back home and back to work. I spent one evening going through Youtube and found quite a few videos of...

Anna's reflections and archive: Virtual Round Table - Improving Your Virtual Prese...

Anna's reflections and archive: Virtual Round Table - Improving Your Virtual Prese...: Joe McVeigh gave a presentation on how to conduct a successful webinar. He is such a great presenter himself that all I wanted to do was to...

Anna's reflections and archive: Virtual Round Table - How to conduct a spicy webin...

Anna's reflections and archive: Virtual Round Table - How to conduct a spicy webin...: Heike Philp also held a webinar about how to present online. Actually Heike gave 20 tips but as some of the tips were the same as Joe McVeig...

Anna's reflections and archive: Developing Creative Thinking

Anna's reflections and archive: Developing Creative Thinking: The webinar organized by Pearson and hosted by Antonia Clare (co-author of SpeakOut ) was quite informative and useful. Apparently accord...

Anna's reflections and archive: Do schools kill creativity?

Anna's reflections and archive: Do schools kill creativity?: From the talk given by Sir Ken Robinson: At a drawing class: Teacher: What are you drawing? Girl: The picture of God. Teacher: But n...

Anna's reflections and archive: Web 2.0 Tools with MentorMob

Anna's reflections and archive: Web 2.0 Tools with MentorMob: I wanted to blog about Web 2.0 tools  I use in my teaching and professional development when I discovered MentorMob . This is when I thought...

Anna's reflections and archive: Academy Island

Anna's reflections and archive: Academy Island: Academy Island is a nice educational game developed by Cambridge ESOL. The main character is an alien who is on an island and has to go...

PLE PLN VLE- what is it?

This useful Prezi is made by Anna Conway

Thursday, 16 August 2012

Critical Thinking Worksheet

This critical thinking worksheet for teachers focuses on helping students to develop arguments – all part of aMap’s critical thinking educational resources for helping teach critical thinking in classes across schools and colleges. To help teach critical thinking we also provide “pocket argument guides” perfect for use in the classroom. Check our pocket argument guides here!

The info is from this site.

Monday, 11 June 2012

Вебинар "Создание рабочих программ в условиях ФГОС"

Вебинар Алексея Васильевича Конобеева "Создание рабочих программ в условиях ФГОС (на примерах курсов "Enjoy English", "Happy" и "Millie" - "New Millennium English")" от 24 мая 2012 можно посмотреть  в режиме off-line и обсудить на ШМО, ГМО.
Видеозапись вебинара выложена здесь: http://connect1.webi...nobeev-24052012
К сожалению, из-за технического сбоя последние 15 минут не вошли в запись, там, где речь шла о конкретной информации для рабочих программ из курса "Милли" и учёте дополнительных пособий.           

Sunday, 10 June 2012

О введении третьего обязательного экзамена- иностранного языка

ФГОС среднего (полного) общего образования зарегистрирован Министерством юстиции РФ. ЕГЭ по иностранным языкам становится обязательным:
"В новых федеральных государственных образовательных стандартах /ФГОС/ для старшей школы появилось положение о третьем обязательном ЕГЭ – это будет иностранный язык. При этом выпускник сможет сам выбрать уровень – базовый или углубленный - на котором будет проводиться экзамен. Это следует из текста новых стандартов. Накануне их зарегистрировало Министерство юстиции РФ, эту информацию подтвердил ИТАР-ТАСС замглавы Минобрнауки РФ Игорь Реморенко.
Однако, по его словам, в качестве обязательного ЕГЭ иностранный язык будет повсеместно введен только в 2020 году, когда новые ФГОС для старшей школы охватят все регионы РФ, если не будет принято других решений, что маловероятно." http://xn--80abucjii...1%82%D1%80/2336

А вот любопытные комментарии читателей с Интересно, как комментарии построены в основном на стереотипах, но не на знакомстве с ЕГЭ.           

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

25 мая  в России отмечался  день филолога. Конобеев Алексей Васильевич поздравил на сайте  всех тех, кто не чужд филологии и любит языки, и порекомендовал интересный словарь сложных слов в русском языке.В нем собраны сложные случаи и очень интересные объяснения, которые помогут ответить на вопросы учеников о русском языке.
А вот любопытный список
20 сложных английских слов, которые, впрочем, редко используются. В этом списке вы найдете такие слова, как Erinaceous, Mungo, Zabernism и другие. словарь сложных слов в русском языке.   - here you'll find Top 20 Strange English Words  which are used once in a blue moon. The following words are known as the top 20 English strange words because of both difficult spelling and usage.


BBC One - Diamond Jubilee Fireworks Display 04/06/2012

The Queen's Diamond Jubilee 2012 Live

One Show - Diamond Jubilee Concert Announcement

The Queen's Diamond Jubilee: 60 years in video

Queen Elizabeth II - Collection of Famous and Rare Photos

Long live the Queen

Britain is celebrating the Diamond Jubilee of the Queen. 4 days, lunch outside, events on the Thames and much more.
If you go to the official web site devoted to the Diamond Jubilee  you’ll find great stuff including this:
60 Facts about The Queen
Did you know...?
As at 1 January 2012:
1. The Queen is the second longest serving monarch. Only five other kings and queens in British history have reigned for 50 years or more. They are:• Victoria (63 years)
• George III (59 years)
• Henry III (56 years)
• Edward III (50 years)
• James VI of Scotland (James I of England) (58 years)
2. The Queen is the fortieth monarch since William the Conqueror obtained the crown of England.
3. Since 1952 The Queen has given Royal Assent to more than 3,500 Acts of Parliament.
4. Over the reign, Her Majesty has given regular audiences to 12 Prime Ministers. They are:

• Winston Churchill 1951-55
• Sir Anthony Eden 1955-57
• Harold Macmillan 1957-63
• Sir Alec Douglas-Home 1963-64
• Harold Wilson 1964-70 and 1974-76
• Edward Heath 1970-74
• James Callaghan 1976-79
• Margaret Thatcher 1979-90
• John Major 1990-97
• Tony Blair 1997-2007
• Gordon Brown 2007-2010
• David Cameron 2010 - present
5. Tony Blair was the first Prime Minister to have been born during The Queen's reign. He was born in early May, 1953 - a month before the Coronation

Хорошо ли жить в Америке?

Sunday, 3 June 2012

Как облегчить работу учителя в Интернете

Коллеги, по этой ссылке вы найдёте инструмент для систематизации всех своих ресурсов, что облегчит ваши поиски необходимых ресурсов.

Saturday, 5 May 2012


Информация взята с сайта Дидактор
На этой странице представлены методические материалы , а также приёмы медиадидактики. Цель их использования – сделать мультимедийные уроки более эффективными.


Об интеграции информационных и образовательных технологий

В статье подчеркивается мысль о том, что методически “подкованный” учитель, владеющий инструментами образовательных технологий, может добиться результативности в обучении

Интерактивный PowerPoint Дэвида Марковица

Американский педагог Дэвид Марковиц разработал ряд макросов, позволяющих усилить интерактивность авторских разработок.

Почему нужен и полезен фотоколлаж

Дается не только дидактическое обоснование использование фотоколлажей, но и представлены несколько программ по созданию автоколлажей.

Как удержать внимание при онлайн обучении

К сожалению, методика дистанционного обучения сводится к описанию возможностей тех или иных технологических платформ. В данной статье поднимается одна из серьезных методических проблем дистанционного обучения

Постановка учебных задач мультимедийного урока

Показано на примере конкретного урока как формулировать и представлять учебные задачи для учащихся.

Обучающий эффект дополненной реальности

В статье даны некоторые наброски о дидактических принципах технологии дополненной реальности, которая стала осваивать образовательное пространство.

Основные требования к мультимедийной дидактической игре

О дидактических играх, об их обучающем эффекте написано многое. Наша задача – не доказывать их полезность, а показать особенности мультимедийной дидактической игры.

Friday, 20 April 2012

8 Gorgeous Nature Blogs for Earth Day

by Erica

This Sunday, April 22nd will mark the 42nd observance of Earth Day. According to Earth Day Network, “More than 1 billion people now participate in Earth Day activities each year, making it the largest civic observance in the world.”
To inspire you to get in on this year’s celebration, here are eight amazing nature-related blogs on

Monday, 16 April 2012

This website provides free courses and tutorials in various types of commonly-used software.
Free Computer Tutorials
This section of the home-and-learn website provides free tutorials in computer basics and in word processing, spreadsheets and database software.
GFC Global Learning
This website provides free online courses in a range of computer programs, including open source software.
BBC Learning
This website provides free tutorials and courses in various forms of ICT, ranging from digital cameras to spreadsheets.
KeySkills4UThis website features online courses for teachers (trainers). Teachers can learn about finding and managing information using ICT and about using ICT to improve communication.
This website provides links to sites and documents that teach ICT skills in the following categories: Basic Skills, Strategic Use, Web Development, Multimedia,and Technical. It also provides resources for trainers.
Computer basics tutorials

This page from Tutorial Find lists sites covering the basics for those new to computers; networking courses, databases, word processing, as well as hardware and software instruction.
Training in basic software

This page from the educationalonline website provides information about using basic software, including word processing, databases and spreadsheets.
Databases courses
This site offers information on courses for the three main open source databases PostgreSQL, MySQL and FirebirdSQL, as well as other Linux courses.
Graphic design tutorials
More sites from tutorial find, detailing animation, and graphic and web design courses.
Online provides professional development courses for teachers. From certificate level to accredited Master’s programs, busy teachers can pursue lifelong learning objectives in a flexible and convenient format.
Online teacher training in a global classroom

iEARN offers five subject-specific online courses for K-12 educators around the world. These courses help teachers who wish to integrate technology into their classes using online collaborative projects that are in line with their national education standards.
Teletraining Institute

The website of Teletraining Institute, a distance-learning company which offers training for educators, corporate-trainers and government instructors. Teletraining courses help teachers make the crossover to distance-learning, converting existing curricula to an online format.
Adobe tutorials

This page lists a huge range of online Adobe tutorials. Join for free and access their entire catalogue of tutorials.
This website has a reference library containing books that can teach you subjects ranging from Microsoft Office, Linux, Programming languages (Java, SQL, etc), and Web programming (HTML, etc). You can read these books free online, or shop online to purchase print copies.
Teach to the Future CoursesThis is a programme which aims to help both experienced teachers and pre-service teachers to integrate technology into instruction. The programme incorporates use of the Internet, Web-page design and student projects.
Innovative Teachers Programme
This website offers Professional Learning resources and Classroom resources, including lesson plans. The programme aims to assist teachers to use technology to transform teaching and learning and offers access to community discussions on topics relevant to teachers and educators.
Pedegogical ICT License

This website is although ‘European’ Pedagogical ICT Licence (EPICT) the member countries include African nations and Australia. There is also a link to International Pedagogical ICT License of Sri Lanka. EPICT course offers approach that is away from ICT-skills centred to pedagogy centred for in-service training in the pedagogical integration of ICT in education.
E-learning and Technology: Training Resources

This website provides PDF documents that contain information about various topics, ranging from creating ICT-based learning materials to developing web pages.

Designing websitesThis section of the education_online_for_computers website provides free manuals for training on web-design software and picture manipulation software.
ETraining: the Web’s newest tutorials
This page from TutorialFind lists some of the most up-to-date courses on the Web, and covers a range of topics, from graphic design to C++ programming.

Friday, 13 April 2012

Top 10 Technology Blogs for Education

Education, as with all aspects of culture, is greatly impacted by the forward progress of technology. Several blogs are maintained by well-known individuals in the field of education. These top 10 technology blogs address technological developments as these innovations relate to education. Many of the top 10 blogs are maintained by those who specialize in integrating technology with education. Most bloggers on the list are renown in the educational field and all offer great ideas and insights for teachers and others interested in using technology to enhance traditional educational methods.

Check out our picks here:
1. The Innovative Educator
The Innovative Educator is a blog created and maintained by author Lisa Neilsen. Lisa promotes ideas on her blog concerning passion-based learning and embracing technology in curricula of the 21st century. Lisa is a proponent of integrating technologies, such as cell phones, into the education process, rather than “blaming and banning” these devices. A recent post on Ms. Nielsen’s blog is entitled “Twitter for Administrators, Teachers and Students.”
2. Free Technology 4Teachers
Free Technology 4 Teachers is a blog that introduces teachers to free web-based applications, such as YouTube. The site provides a wealth of information about how to best utilize free web apps to enhance the educational process. One method mentioned in a post by Richard Byrne on his highly recognized and award-winning blog is how to use YouTube to enable students to produce video montage book reports as an alternative the the traditional written summary.

3. The Pursuit of Technology Integration Happiness
Michael Zimmer, a specialist in the field of technology integration in secondary education, produces this blog. If you like “Top 10“ lists, Zimmer posts several on this blog. Zimmer examines the use of Facebook, Twitter and YouTube in the high school classroom.
4. Bit by Bit
Bit by Bit is a blog created and maintained by Elementary School Technology Integrator, Bob Sprankle. Sprankle discusses the use of LiveScribe and other new technology recording devices in the classroom, as well as posts about the iPhone’s usefulness with regards to parent-teacher communication. Sprankle also discusses how to use Google to teach critical thinking and perform accurate and compelling research.
5. Around the Corner
For those teachers who utilize Moodle for creating interactive tests and material for the classroom, Around the Corner is a useful blog resource. Miguel Guhlin, veteran educator and currently in a director’s position, discusses issues such as those surrounding students’ digital privacy and teaching students social networking etiquette.
6. Learning with “e’s”
Noted e-learning expert, Steve Wheeler, maintains the Learning with “e’s” blog. Dr. Wheeler is an associate professor, past e-Learning conference chair and educational board member who advocates the use of blogging to produce students into writers, as well as the use of blogging as a means for teachers to communicate with students and parents.
7. 2 Cents Worth
Former educator and author David Warlick blogs on his site about the use of new technology in education. Taking more of a generalist’s approach to topics of technology in education, this blog provides many of Warlick’s insights from his 35 years as a teacher.
8. Teach the Cloud
Teach the Cloud is a blog that examines the use of cloud computing in teaching, with screencast and podcast tutorials about how to utilize Google Apps for classroom application. Created and maintained by Instructional Tech Support Specialist, Derrick Waddell explains how cloud computing may be used to enhance the student experience in the classroom.
9. The Web 2.0 Connected Classroom
The Web 2.0 Connected Classroom is a blog that provides a wealth of external resources for utilizing Web 2.0 technologies and blogging to enhance the teaching experience. Steven Anderson, noted educator and technology specialist educates the reader regarding Web 2.0 connectivity. Interestingly, Anderson is a proponent of the “digital fast,” unplugging from technology for a week-long period to reconnect with life minus the technology on which we have become so reliant.
10. Doug-Off The Record
In his blog, Doug Peterson, renown technology integration specialist and veteran teacher, discusses concerns about students’ privacy on Facebook. utilizing e-books and other relevant topics

The Shy Connector (update)

The Shy Connector (update)
View more presentations from Sacha Chua

Constructing a PLN

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Международный проект 'Student Blogging Challenge'

Уважаемые коллеги!
Началась регистрация участников международного проекта 'Student Blogging Challenge'.
На сайте Вы найдете всю интересующую Вас информацию.
Проект продолжается 10 недель, каждую неделю ученики получают задания.
Я очень советую Вам, коллеги, принять в нем участие!
Bыполнять все задания никто не требует, что важно для наших детей; можно выбрать задания по интересам.
Детей объединяют в группы по возрасту, группу сопровождает учитель/mentor из одной из стран. Я сопровождала группы учеников разных стран в двух проектах, и это очень помогло мне в моей работе.

Digital School Project

Производится приём заявок на участие в проекте «Школа цифрового века» 2012/13.
 Сайт проекта:

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Sunday, 4 March 2012

15 Things Teachers & Students Can Do With Edmodo

This article was published in the blog by R. Byrne

Free Technology for Teachers

Last week the Wall Street Journal had an article announcing that Edmodo had received a $15 million venture capital investment from the founder of LinkedIn and a former VP of Facebook. That article gave me the idea for this post of fifteen things teachers and students can do with Edmodo.

For those not familiar with Edmodo, in a nutshell it is a microblogging system designed specifically for teachers and students. Using Edmodo teachers can create a microblogging network for their classes. Edmodo allows teachers to create a group specifically for their students and exclude those not invited to the group. Edmodo provides teachers with a place to post assignment reminders, build an event calendar, and post messages to the group. Just as with any good microblogging service users can share links, videos, and images.

Here are fifteen things teachers and students can do with Edmodo.
1. Post assignments for students. Edmodo allows teachers to attach files to assignment announcements. If there is a file your students need in order to complete an assignment, they can access it at the same place they view the announcement. Less clicking is good.

2. Create digital libraries. Students and teachers can create digital libraries for housing their important files. No need to keep track of USB drives because you can access your files from any Internet-connected computer.

3. Post messages on the "wall." This allows students to ask questions of each other and their teacher. Teachers, of course, can post messages for all students to read.

4. Create learning groups. Teachers can create groups of their students according to the courses they teach or create groups of students who are supposed to be working together.

5.  Post polls for students. Use the polls to gather informal feedback on a question like, "do you feel prepared for next week's quiz?"

6. Post a quiz for students to take. You can attach links and files to each question and answer choice. This allows you to post a document and ask students to read and respond to it. Quizzes can be in multiple choice, true/ false, fill in the blank, or short answer form. You can allow students to see their scores immediately or you can disable that option.

7. Connect with other teachers. Join discussion groups to share ideas about lesson plans, teaching strategies, and project development. Discuss tools and content that you use. In some cases you can find webinars like this one from Buck Institute for Education about project based learning.

8. Create a calendar of events and assignments.

9. Access Edmodo through the free Android and iPhone apps.

10. Turn in assignments. Students can upload assignments for their teachers to view and grade. Teachers can annotate the assignments directly in Edmodo.

11. Create parent accounts. Teachers can create parent accounts. Parent accounts allow parents to see their children's assignments and grades. Teachers can also send alerts to parents about school events, missed assignments, and other important messages through Edmodo.

12. Generate printable class rosters. If you're going to have a substitute teacher in your classroom who needs a printed roster, you can print one from your Edmodo account.

13. Embed Wallwisher into your Edmodo wall to host a brainstorming session.

14. Embed videos, images, and audio clips into your wall to spark a class discussion online.

15. Use the Google Chrome extension or browser bookmarklet to quickly add content to your Edmodo library. Anytime you find something on the web, click the Edmodo extension or bookmarklet to save it in your Edmodo library.

Do you use Edmodo? What's your favorite feature?

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Российская школа победила в конкурсе на знание английского языка среди 5000 школ в 30 странах мира

 Российская школа победила в конкурсе на знание английского языка среди 5000 школ в 30 странах мира

 EF Education First объявила победителя международного тестирования EF по английскому языку среди школьников. Им стал 10-Б класс гимазии №19 из Казани, Республика Татарстан. Учащиеся гимназии выиграли конкурс среди 5000 других школ в 30 странах мира. Церемония награждения состоялась в торжественной обстановке в минувшую субботу, 18 февраля, в Гранд Отеле Казань. 

16 учеников 10-Б класса поедут на две недели в школу EF в Оксфорде, Великобритания.

Saturday, 25 February 2012

Horrible Histories

 Alexei Konobeyev shared this link and wrote:
Есть замечательная серия книг об истории Horrible Histories. Сегодня узнал. что на основе этих книг выпускаются короткие видеоролики. На мой взгляд, их очень интересно включать в уроки. Вот пример такого ролика о Книге страшного суда - первой переписи населения в Англии:

Welcome To Buckingham Palace

Watch and Enjoy!

Webinar On "Enjoy English", March,6 2012

Уважаемые участники форума, приглашаем вас принять участие в авторском вебинаре "Изменения в курсе "Enjoy English" в соответствии с требованиями ФГОС нового поколения". Вебинар состоится 6 марта 2012 года с 15.00 до 16.30 по московскому времени.

Вебинар проводит автор федерального курса "Enjoy English" Мерем Забатовна Биболетова, к. пед. н., к. п. н., доцент, зав. лабораторией дидактики иностранных языков Института Средств и Методов Обучения Российской Академии Образования. В вебинаре смогут принять участие первые 100 зарегистрировавшихся слушателей. Для регистрации на вебинар просим присылать заявку в свободной форме на Участники вебинара получат сертификаты участников в электронном виде.

Технические требования для участия в вебинаре:компьютер, подключенный к сети Интернет, звуковые колонки или наушники, канал доступа в Интернет шириной не менее 3 мбит/сек, Flash player от версии 10 и выше. Скачать бесплатно Flash player последней версии можно по этой

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Posterous- What Is It?

Web Apps In Bloom's Taxonomy- Here It Is Again

Beyond Google

11 Web Resources For Teachers

Creating Your Personal Learning Network

Will Richardson on creating a PLN
Sketchy explanation: Starting a PLN
Sue Waters: Why is your PLN important to you?
Sue Waters: Wordle
Joe Evans: What my PLN means to me
TechinClass: Personal Learning Networks
John Spencer on creating a PLN
Social Media
Kathy Schrock's Twitter page
A-Z Dictionary of Educational Hashtags
Getting started with a PLN on Twitter
Jing screencasting
Classroom 2.0 The Educator's PLN Library 2.0
Art Education 2.0:
K-12 Computer Science Teachers
Molecular Forces
Teaching Digital History
Mathematics 24x7
English Companion
PD in Action
Exploring eBooks for K-12 21st Century Learning Tools School Leadership Network
Adobe Education Exchange
PBS Teachers
Scholastic Teacher Share
Discovery Educator Network
Google Apps for Education: Lesson Plans
Google Reader
Wydea: How RSS works
Common Craft: Google Reader
International Edubloggers Directory
Education Blogs by Discipline
Blogger | Wordpress | Edublogs


Traditional Print

Setting up a Google alert

Professional Development

"Pay it forward"
Voicethread about PLNs

Additional resources

Connectivism article (Siemans)

PLNs: Where do we begin (Terrell)

What my PLN means to me

Getting started with a PLN

Hands-On Workshop

Part 1
Kathy's Diigo list of Web 2.0 tools. Find a tool to share with others and share it in this collaborative space.

Part 2
Take a look at
the list of Twitter-using educators and post information about one you might like to follow to this collaborative space.
Part 3

Look in the Flickr group "Great Quotes about Learning and Change" and post the URL of two posters you like to this collaborative space.
Part 4
Take a look at this Classroom 2.0 Ning and post a comment about a group that interests you with its name and direct URL to this collaborative space.
Part 5

Visit this list of educational wikis and post the URL and description of one that interests you to this collaborative space.

Part 6

Use the Twitter search tool, Topsy, to search the hashtag #edtech and then click on EXPERTS in the left-hand column. Find one person you would like to follow and enter their Twitter name and your reason for picking them into this collaborative space.
Thanks to Lucy Gray for the structure for this type of group activity!