If you have children who are ready to learn to read or are struggling with reading, now is the time to begin with the new reading program that KIDiddles is sponsoring, ReadingTeacher.com .
The team at ReadingTeacher.com has updated the best-selling "I See Sam" books for the digital age. They have created a new reading program for students based around 52 animated and interactive Sam books.
The team at ReadingTeacher.com has updated the best-selling "I See Sam" books for the digital age. They have created a new reading program for students based around 52 animated and interactive Sam books.
Here's the link for free access to the program:
This new program is easy to use, saves time (and money) and has been proved to produce excellent results. Here's how it works:
- You begin in the Teacher/Parent section of the website and use the lesson plans and resources (including KIDiddles songs) to teach the sounds and words needed to read the story.
After students have mastered the lessons, go to the Student section where students can independently read the story or have the story read to them. Each of the stories is preceded with a review of the sounds and words needed to be able to read the story.
There is a quiz after each story to test students comprehension and vocabulary.
- The results of the quiz appear in the Teacher/Parent Admin Section with a detailed rundown of how the questions were answered and how long it took to answer each question. Teachers can enter a roster of all their students in the admin section.
Rather than me explaining the program in detail, why don't you check it out - here's the link:
Best regards,
FrancisP.S. It's free to access the animated stories, quizzes and lessons.
Here's the link again:
Practice reading out loud: Record and listen to yourself! with English Raven's Little Readers Series (http://www.englishraven.com/little-readers.html)